Umpire Development & Courses


Umpiring Courses

These are provided by England Hockey and delivered locally, Level 1 courses can be held at your club depending on demand. Click on the link for courses and more information.

Umpiring Courses | England Hockey


The Development Team will be helping the current umpires, coaches and assessors access all possible support for progression and improving your knowledge of the game and officiating. 

We are really keen for clubs to put forward nominations for umpires to receive first coaching and then assessments. We would like everyone to be able enjoy and learn how to be an umpire and maybe head towards becoming a coach or assessor themselves. 

In addition, we develop and deliver webinars/sessions for everyone to take part in, ask questions and give feedback on umpires, coaches and assessors. 

In due course we intend to have development meetings at clubs so that games can be played and people have the chance to pick up a whistle and watch it all in action. 

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact the Development Team via We would like to hear from you if you have any queries and want to make sure everyone is given an equal opportunity to join our officiating community.

Level 1 AssessmentsLevel 1 Assessments

The assessment of level 1 umpires is where we start the formal support of umpires in the area. Individuals or clubs can make requests. 

For a Level 1 assessment please complete the form here: 

it will request the following details:

  • Person(s) requiring assessment
  • Club
  • Venues and times where matches normally take place

We can then get someone along to assess. We may also be able to appoint you to a game for assessment.

Indoor Hockey

We have a number of umpires, coaches and assessors at various levels - from umpires brand new to Indoor Hockey all the way up to umpires and officials involved with the Indoor Hockey World Cup. 

We are always looking for new recruits who would like to give indoor umpiring a go.

The Indoor Hockey season for the London Area is primarily from November to December, with the National programme taking place in January. 

Indoor covers schools, junior and senior club tournaments within the London area across various venues.

If you are interesting in getting involved please contact our Indoor Lead - via