If you have any questions about Officiating in London please contact one of the London Hockey Officiating Committee members below.
Peter Mackintosh | Chair | officiating@london.hockey |
Dawn Bonner | Vice Chair | officiatingvc@london.hockey |
Graeme Hope | Appointments Lead | appointing@london.hockey |
Graeme Hope | Premier Division Appointer | premappointments@london.hockey |
TBC | Division 1 and Other Matches Appointer | Div1appointments@london.hockey |
Phil O'Hagan | Young Umpire Lead | youngumpires@london.hockey |
Dawn Bonner | Development Lead | officiatingdevelopment@london.hockey |
Rob Butlin | Indoor Hockey Officiating Lead | indoorofficiating@london.hockey |
Georga Reed | Club Liaison Lead | officiatingclubliaison@london.hockey |
Stephen Mason | Tech Officiating Lead | technicalofficiating@london.hockey |
Amii Bonner | Officiating Communication Officer | officiatingcomms@london.hockey |
Rupert Allen | Area Discipline Administrator | discipline@london.hockey |
Social Media
Follow the London Hockey Officiating team on social media for the latest updates.
Instagram: @londonhockeyofficiating
Facebook : LdnHockeyOffcls
Twitter : @LdnHockeyoffcls